Assistive Eye Gaze Devices
Eye tracking and eye control is a technology that makes it possible for computers to know exactly where the user is looking. When eye tracking and eye control are combined with speech generating devices, communication opportunities are enabled for individuals with special needs.
I-series: I-13/ i-16
I-Series is the lightest, fastest, most durable speech generating device available, featuring the world's leading eye tracker. It's designed for people with conditions such as cerebral palsy, ALS, Rett syndrome, aphasia or spinal cord injury to gain access to Windows, communicate, and control their home environment — with just their eyes.
It also offers innovative features like outdoor eye tracking in bright sunlight, the Partner Window for face-to-face conversations, and Windows Hello for visual logins.
For someone who can’t use their hands or fingers eye tracking is probably the quickest, easiest and most ergonomically sound way to operate a computer. PCEye is a compact eye tracker that enables people with physical disabilities to control a Windows computer with their eyes.
Touch Based Speech Tablets
Touch-based speech generating devices for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The devices are ideal for individuals who are non-verbal or have speech difficulties, with conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, or Down syndrome.
The I-110 is a purpose-built speech generating device that breaks new ground in AAC technology. With its highly durable and water-resistant design, it offers fully integrated features such as powerful, outward facing speakers that project clear speech and sound in any environment, even when in a crowd or on a playground.
Meet Indi, the first all-in-one speech tablet created specifically for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). Indi is ready out-of-the-box and comes with all your needs fully integrated. The Indi is an ideal communication device for individuals with non-verbal Autism, children with Autism, and people with Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and other intellectual disabilities.
Boardmaker Software
Boardmaker® is a trusted tool for parents, teachers and therapists to create symbol-adapted accessible curriculum materials for students - regardless of their abilities.
Create valuable printed materials, like communication boards, sequences and schedules that are perfect for all of your students. Easy-to-use features let you design your own material with symbols supported in dozens of languages. Select your own topics, symbols, labels, colors, borders, languages and more – all designed to help your students reach classroom goals.